Saturday, July 10, 2010

My husband, John, and I have been traveling to Guatemala repeatedly since the Summer of 2006. We first came to Guatemala to work with our freind, Ruth Humbert, RN, who was living and working in Guatemala. She set up health clinics in remote mountain villages and trained nurses in each community to eventually serve their local area.

We had raised 4 boys who were no longer at home and were ready to do much more. However...God had other plans, and we spent the next 11 months adopting our beautiful daughter, Marisol Esperanza Carroll. During the process we traveled to Guatemala 3 more times, each time carrying donated supplies to help with the medical work there.

In the Spring of 2009 the 3 of us traveled to Guatemala to lay the ground work for an extended stay that summer. In June 2009 we arrived in San Martin Jilitepeque, Chimaltenango, Guatemala, where we stayed until early August 2009. We had many adventures and became an honorary part of our neighbors extended family, being included in religious and cultural celebrations, learning extensively about the people and culture. During our stay we spent 2 weeks traveling with a mission group, sponsored by "God Bless the Children", a children's home in Guatemala City, including doctors, nurses and volunteers, to set up health clinics, provide basic food packets, clothes, shoes, toys, etc. in remote communities.

Following that trip we were asked to be house parents for the children's home. Their vision was to provide a home, not an institution, for the children, and for that they needed parents. We felt led to agree and have quit our jobs, put our home on the market, left our life in Kansas, and have arrived at the children's home for what will be a 2 year stay. Join us as we live, learn and grow with the people of Guatemala.

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