Sunday, August 29, 2010
Just a little clarification, in case anyone got the wrong idea about the use of donated money. 300q is equivalent to about $36, for a family of 3. We also spent part of the money on formula, wipes, etc. for the children's home. Didn't mean to sound like we went out and partied as soon as we got a little money. Love you all.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
The week started out strange enough. After receiving a donation, we indulged in a meal out. Overpriced taxi driver charged us 80 quetzales for a 40q ride. leaving me 200q and change in cash. Well, we had just checked our account online and were in good shape, so we had dinner knowing we could put it on our debit card. Great meal, Marisol had a wonderful time and got a balloon. Now the bill arrives and I had the waiter my card. He runs it, says, "rejected". I say, "No way!! We've got plenty." Tries again, REJECTED! Tries John's card, REJECTED!! So...I walk to a bank across the mall and try their ATM...balance 0.00q!! NOW what do we do? Return to the restaurant, where Marisol has picked up more than I thought she understood, and is beginning to panic that the police are coming for us (crossed my mind, too!). Starting to recall all those documentaries on foreign prisons, NOT PRETTY!! Bill is 300q and I've got 200q (and change, needed for taxi home). After back and forth discussion with management and a promise to leave John's license and the 200q, and return tomorrow night, we are graciously allowed to leave. Straight home. Check balance online. Still shows no problem. Can't do anything till morning, so spend the night in panic mode. First thing in the morning call bank in the US and are told there is no problem, we have a adequate balance. I walk to an ATM in the early afternoon to try again, so I can call the bank back if needed, and have no problem withdrawing cash. Back to the mall Tuesday night, bargaining with the taxis for a fare rate, pay the bill and eat somewhere else. All's well that ends well. But...are week was just starting...
...Tuesday night 2 new children arrived at the home, a 3 yr. old boy and his 2 yr. old sister. The little girl was extremely emaciated, covered in injuries, some of them very infected. Her legs and arms were like broom sticks, and she could barely carry her own weight. The little boy is in better shape, small for his age, and covered with sores (cigarette burns he tells me, but very bright and a great personality. Marisol and the little boy hit it off and play beautifully together. Marisol is very worried about the little girl and can't understand why a mother would treat a child this way...hard to explain to a 3 1/2 yr. old.
By Thursday the little girl was very listless, not eating, and hardly responding to people, and running a high fever. She did, however, cling to John and I, and trust us to give her medicine. We decided that with her low body weight she could take a turn for the worse very rapidly, so I walked her down to a clinic. The doctor was very upset that she had arrived at the home in this condition, and had not been sent to a hospital first. She gave us medicines to give her, to add to those John had already started her on, and we returned to the home. Her weight was 19 lbs, that of a 12 mo. old. She was wearing sized 6-9 mo. clothes. We were hoping she would see a pediatrician that night, or go to a hospital, but he was in surgery.
Friday morning we arrived at the home and could see a sparkle in her eyes. We were told she was eating a little better, and she even laughed when John tickled her. The plan was for her to see the pediatrician first thing that day. She spent the entire day at the doctor, par for the course waiting in line here. On her return we were told she would be going to a public hospital right away, where the poorest of the poor go and conditions are minimal. She would be in a special unit that brings malnourished children back to health. Her stay would probably be for at least a month. We received a call that evening from Cinthya telling us things were worse than expected...she tested positive for HIV, and God Bless the Children is not allowed to take HIV children. Apparently there are 2 homes that specialize in HIV, and she would eventually be sent to one of those. In the mean time, there are limited nurses at the public hospital, so families are required to have someone there 24/7 to care for the child. With an extremely limited staff, Cinthya and one other person were put on the list to do the care. John has volunteered to do some night shifts if needed. The positive about needing 24/7 care is that she will have someone familiar present at all times and not feel that she was, once again, abandoned. All of the other children will now be tested for HIV.
Thank God for whatever neighbor or passerby called the authorities and got these children help. How can a parent so severely abuse an innocent child?? In spite of all she has been through, the little girl seems to be very intelligent and has not suffered any brain damage from the malnutrition. Sorry the pictures aren't much fun, but this is the reality we face. Please keep her in your prayers.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Thursday started out with a BANG!! The 3 1/2 year old had had a toothache since getting it capped a week ago. We decided it had to be tended to, and with no working cars on hand one of the employee's Dad came to give John, the child and I a ride to the dentist. To say this was traumatic is an understatement!! This is a child who has to be held down by 2 people to have his temperature taken...under his ARM! The last visit to the dentist included both Cinthya and the dentist being bitten and numerous hits and kicks with 3 people holding him. This time it was John and I. After being up all night in pain and taking pain medication, he slept in John's arms the 1 1/2 hours we waited for the dentist to arrive. Of course, having been toilet trained only a few weeks, this also meant wetting all over John's lap. Well, the 2 of us held his upper body and arms, and lower body and legs, soothing him the whole time, and the dentist and nurse worked on the head and mouth. He shrieked hysterically as the dentist pulled the offending tooth, but the moment it dislodged he looked up at the Dr. and said repeatedly, "gracias, gracias, gracias." A happy boy returned to the children's home, sticking close to John and I.
Spent a wonderful Thursday evening with a man and his daughter we met when out to eat several weeks ago. His daughter is Marisol's age and adopted from Vietnam. Marisol was thrilled to have a girl to play with that she could communicate with. He is a teacher from Arkansas, who has lived here 2 years. While the girls played, Lance introduced us to Guatemalan coffee from a friend's finca (coffee plantation). Not being coffee drinkers we were drinking it to be polite, but low and behold, we loved it!! He sent us home with a bag full and we've been enjoying it. After some play time and coffee drinking Lance took us out for a delicious meal. We reallllly appreciated a full meal! Both girls fell asleep in at the table, and we made plans to join them at their home another night for a home-cooked meal.
Friday we arrived at God Bless the Children to our first female resident, a 12 day old little girl. She reminds me of baby pictures of Marisol. It turned into a very busy day, with 3 babies to hold, feed and put to bed, and the little boy to entertain on a rainy day. There is nothing more difficult than keeping him busy in doors. Limited attention span and down time bringing on separation anxieties keep John hopping. However, after Thursday's excitement he had really attached to John and I and needed a lot of holding and cuddling. Were supposed to receive a 1 1/2 yr. old girl and her 2 1/2 yr. old brother, but that plan didn't happen.
This morning we walked the mile or so to a church that Lance goes to, Iglesia Evangelica Jeriel, Edificada Por Dios, Para Edificar Vidas (translated Evangelical Church of Jeriel, Building for God, to build up lives. We really enjoyed the service, including contemporary Christian songs, a baby blessing, and a wonderful lesson-sermon. Don't agree totally with all of their views, but was impressed with the frankness with which they discussed topics like homosexuality and abortion. Also appreciated the fact that above all they preached love for ALL people above any habits or characteristics we might not agree with. Their whole philosophy is about loving the people FIRST. You know, like Jesus did! Not turning ANYONE away for ANY reason, but accepting everyone for who they are, a child of God. The greatest lesson I learned was, we might not all view issues in the same way, but that does not get in the way of respecting everyone!
The rest of the day, after we made the walk home, has been nothing but rain. Glad to be indoors! Made play dough with Marisol and had a great time. Although, coloring it was unique. Apparently food coloring is rare in Guatemala, so someone at the store suggested a concentrated juice people use for cakes. Worked wonderfully, Marisol had chosen orange and it was a really deep, carrot orange. Mental note: bring food coloring next time.
She took herself to bed before 6:30pm and was out like a light. Well, at least until about 7:30pm when she woke in a panic, walking around the room in circles yelling and walking into the glass wall. She kicked and fought as I picked her up and lay with her till her body relaxed. Tends to be a sleep walker and won't remember a thing in the morning.
Sitting her typing I have been watching a opossum walk along the the glass wall of our home, running his nose across the glass. First one direction, and then the other. Guess we have a new resident...
Oh, and I added a picture of Marisol trying to teach the 2 month old to crawl.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Okay, I guess it's time for an update.
Where to start...Sunday we had the best church service ever! Walked about a mile to a church. We haven't been in a month and a half, first friend taking us was a no-show, then the children started arriving and we were on duty 24/7, then got coverage and no one to take us, finally took it into our own hands. Anyway, after Marisol flying around getting dressed up, she was so excited, then walking allll the way, the church was empty. I guess they have services earlier. So, we started back home and it started to downpour. Used a little of our meager money supply to catch a cab home, he was really fair with us and that was nice. On the way home Marisol said we could have church and home. I said, "Where 2 or more are gathered..." And so, she set up all the chairs we have (6), filled them with her stuffed animals, giving each one a book she said was a bible, then compromised and they shared chairs so we could sit down. Got out a contemporary Christian music CD in Spanish and our bibles, and began the service. Marisol opened with prayer and included the children at God Bless the Children. We read some scriptures and Marisol sang from a hymnal, the words were kinda made up, but you could tell it was a worshipful tune. Then she had each of us pray, we played more songs while she did interpretive dance, really cute from a 3 year old, and she kept up with the beat. Then left Papi listening to the rest of the CD and we headed down 3 flights of stairs to the first open garden space.
We spent a good hour in the garden exploring and just enjoying nature. Discovered some spiders and learned what piles of dirt in the middle of the grass mean, step in it and you stir up an angry ant bed, found a monkeyish peat moss creation and bamboo. Garden time ended with us running up the 3 flights of stairs with our chairs on our heads and getting in the door just as the full torrent of rain came down.
After midnight Sunday night I got up to give Marisol some medicine, really congested. As I was getting the medicine I heard a noise behind me and in a dark corner of our living room saw something about 5" long moving. All I could think was tarantula?! Scorpion?! Summoned John out of bed ASAP! On closer inspection discovered it was a CRAB, yes, I said crab!! And no, we aren't anywhere close to the ocean! John used bread tongs to pick it up, and after dropping it a few times through it out the door. Okay, the next second I thought, "Man, we should have cooked that thing." After all, food is scarce right now. Oh well, maybe he'll return with his family and this time I'll be ready. Water's on to boil.
Oh, and hello Scott.
Today was a busy, hands-on kind of day. The 2 month old got 3 vaccinations yesterday and was in pain and running a fever. Needed alot of TLC. The 1 week old acted like a 1 week old and thought he should be fed regularly, can you imagine? The things is when one needed me the other decided within seconds that it was his turn. Also, the 3 1/2 year old has been having a lot of tooth pain and was especially needed today. He kept John on the go all day. Then he decided he needed me to hold him and Marisol decided that was crossing the line, I was HER Mami!! So she climbed up on the other knee and tried to crowd him out. Also, I had a killer headache all day. Overall it was still a fulfilling day, although, I could use another arm or two, and maybe another knee!
Tomorrow the 1 week old goes for his first vaccination!!
Came home exhausted, spent 42 quetzales (about $.50) of the 150 I had to my name, picking up food on the way home, we deserved it. Marisol was in a great mood all evening and as I tucked her in she whispered in my ear, "Mami, I'm sorry I was so mad at God Bless the Children today." Gotta love her. Told her that no matter how much the kids needed me during the day, we'd always come home to her, and she'd always be our favorite little girl.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
This is just an addition to the previous post. Wanted to show you the volcanic ash that is still everywhere from the eruption in June. Also, Marisol's first day of school and her in traditional dress she picked out herself. The top is called a juipil and the skirt is a corte. Oh, and another view from inside our home.
Okay, I know it's been a while, and a lot has happened. First of all we moved into our own place, YEAH!!!! We live in the basement of a vacant home, but the place is amazing. I'm including pics I took with my phone, still no camera. The whole back wall is windows and overlooks a tiered garden of at least 5 staired levels. Each level resembles a tropical forest with a little clearing in the middle. The bottom level is a make-shift soccer field that overlooks a tall woody drop off, and you can hear running water below. So far it's rained every evening we've been here, so the one time we went down Marisol and I wore our rain boots (tall grass). Our living area is a straight line: entry/storage area, kitchen, living/dining room, bedroom. Oh yeah, and a step (large step)up bathroom. Out the windows we see hummingbirds and woodpeckers, and swear we hear parrots. Last night I saw something furry, with a long furry tail run past. Don't know if they have squirrels, or if it was something else. Maybe a monkey, jaguar, lemur???
We walk at least a mile to and from the children's home each day, which includes a steep 2-story overpass. We should be in good shape soon. Marisol's been a real trouper, she hasn't complained once about the walk and never asks to be carried. She holds our hands when we cross streets or are in parking lots, because she says we won't be save otherwise. Isn't she a sweetheart?
Good news is when we returned the the US last year we donated our tiny propane stove, tiny refrigerator, table and chairs to God Bless the Children, and they still had them. They moved them here for us on a bus.
Marisol is attending a Spanish speaking preschool, called colegio (college) here. The bonus...she gets English lessons everyday, isn't that a hoot!? The other option was German, but 2 languages is enough. She went to the zoo on the bus Friday and was thrilled...not so much about the zoo, but the bus ride. She comes home beaming everyday.
Big adventure of last week? Spent 10 hours on the streets of Guatemala City with a 3 1/2 year old to stay away from the children's home while a verrrry narrow minded wealthy American and his group were there, because he didn't want us around and threatened to cut funding if we were. Try that on almost no money and with regular downpours! Just trying to find places to sit and shelter. Poor Marisol was exhausted.
Big adventure this week? Decided to attempt home-made pizza in the propane oven, with no temp. settings. It was a disaster, but the family was starved and ate well. It never browned, used home-made cheese from down the street and it ran over the sides and mostly off the pizza, a little doughy, but oh well, live and learn. Marisol was proud of me anyway.
Good news! tomorrow we get a 4 day old baby girl at God Bless the Children. Boy, am I glad I no longer do the night shift. I get to enjoy the baby and go home and sleep! Can't wait to see her. She is coming from Coban, several hours drive.
I added a picture of Marisol and one of the kids playing on rocking horses. Here's the neat thing the horses are also tall chairs when stood on end, and turned over they are desks with pencil holders! Enjoy the pictures and keep in mind they come from a phone.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
IT'S FINALLY HAPPENED!!! We have an apartment. We will be staying in the basement apartment of a friend's Dad. They have a beautiful home and lovely garden. Can't wait to spend an evening sitting with my little family. We have searched for a month for a place to stay.
We spent the weekend in a verrrry small, 4 room, hotel that we stay at when we're in town. They actually had hot water in the shower, but after 1/2 a bath I turned it off and went back to cold. I guess I got used to it and preferred the cold. When we come the staff all know Marisol and come out to greet her and come out when we leave to say goodbye to her. It's extremely close to the airport, so the planes shake the room. Marisol loves it and runs out to see them go over. Every morning they bring us a home made breakfast. Marisol looks forward to it, so do I.
Saw some Headline news. Nothing really big new in the US. They also had several kids channels, which Marisol enjoyed. At the home we have a TV with rabbit ears and catch 3 channels, sometimes. Ahhh, the pleasure of modern conveniences.
Took in the children's museum. Lots of hands on activities for Marisol. She got to stand inside a huge bubble, grocery shop in a little kids grocery store, play with legos, etc. She enjoyed it, but was still a little dragging from a rough week. Fell asleep in the cab on our way back to the hotel. Picked up some supplies for the children's home at a large grocery store. Mostly just spent some much needed time together.
Monday morning Marisol was off on her first day of school. They call it colegio here. She is in a Spanish speaking preschool so she can pick up the language. She has the choice to sign up for a foreign language, English or German. We opted for the English. We figured 2 languages were enough for now. She has gym on Tuesdays and Thursday. She seems to really love school and it's another time away from competing with other children for her parents attention. Her class goes to the zoo Friday and she is most excited about getting to ride the bus.
We go see our new apartment tomorrow afternoon while the other kids take their naps. Marisol can't wait! I told John all I need is a bed, sofa and TV and I'm good to go! God Bless the Children still has the tiny stove and refrigerator we donated last year after living in San Martin Jilotepeque, and we'll us those. A table would probably be good, but not essential.
Today was the rainiest yet. It poured all day. Picked Marisol up from school carrying umbrellas and got soaked walking home in the afternoon. I can here the rain on the roof as I type. Rainy days are difficult for our 3 1/2 year old boy. If he is not kept busy outside he begins to moan, rock, and start calling for people he is not with. It is a challenge to keep him preoccupied as he has a limited attention span and fixates on one issue for a long time. Managed to keep him going until late afternoon, then it was hit and miss until bedtime. Outdoor play at least gives us a chance to sit and watch the children play every once in a while, but indoors we have to constantly be on our feet coming up with new ways to keep him stimulated.
Love the baby, but am definitely looking forward to sleeping through the night. When we move into our apartment a nanny takes over night duty, Yeah!!
Baby's back in bed, better sleep while I can. Here's to hoping a camera arrives.
We spent the weekend in a verrrry small, 4 room, hotel that we stay at when we're in town. They actually had hot water in the shower, but after 1/2 a bath I turned it off and went back to cold. I guess I got used to it and preferred the cold. When we come the staff all know Marisol and come out to greet her and come out when we leave to say goodbye to her. It's extremely close to the airport, so the planes shake the room. Marisol loves it and runs out to see them go over. Every morning they bring us a home made breakfast. Marisol looks forward to it, so do I.
Saw some Headline news. Nothing really big new in the US. They also had several kids channels, which Marisol enjoyed. At the home we have a TV with rabbit ears and catch 3 channels, sometimes. Ahhh, the pleasure of modern conveniences.
Took in the children's museum. Lots of hands on activities for Marisol. She got to stand inside a huge bubble, grocery shop in a little kids grocery store, play with legos, etc. She enjoyed it, but was still a little dragging from a rough week. Fell asleep in the cab on our way back to the hotel. Picked up some supplies for the children's home at a large grocery store. Mostly just spent some much needed time together.
Monday morning Marisol was off on her first day of school. They call it colegio here. She is in a Spanish speaking preschool so she can pick up the language. She has the choice to sign up for a foreign language, English or German. We opted for the English. We figured 2 languages were enough for now. She has gym on Tuesdays and Thursday. She seems to really love school and it's another time away from competing with other children for her parents attention. Her class goes to the zoo Friday and she is most excited about getting to ride the bus.
We go see our new apartment tomorrow afternoon while the other kids take their naps. Marisol can't wait! I told John all I need is a bed, sofa and TV and I'm good to go! God Bless the Children still has the tiny stove and refrigerator we donated last year after living in San Martin Jilotepeque, and we'll us those. A table would probably be good, but not essential.
Today was the rainiest yet. It poured all day. Picked Marisol up from school carrying umbrellas and got soaked walking home in the afternoon. I can here the rain on the roof as I type. Rainy days are difficult for our 3 1/2 year old boy. If he is not kept busy outside he begins to moan, rock, and start calling for people he is not with. It is a challenge to keep him preoccupied as he has a limited attention span and fixates on one issue for a long time. Managed to keep him going until late afternoon, then it was hit and miss until bedtime. Outdoor play at least gives us a chance to sit and watch the children play every once in a while, but indoors we have to constantly be on our feet coming up with new ways to keep him stimulated.
Love the baby, but am definitely looking forward to sleeping through the night. When we move into our apartment a nanny takes over night duty, Yeah!!
Baby's back in bed, better sleep while I can. Here's to hoping a camera arrives.
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