Sunday, August 22, 2010

Thursday started out with a BANG!! The 3 1/2 year old had had a toothache since getting it capped a week ago. We decided it had to be tended to, and with no working cars on hand one of the employee's Dad came to give John, the child and I a ride to the dentist. To say this was traumatic is an understatement!! This is a child who has to be held down by 2 people to have his temperature taken...under his ARM! The last visit to the dentist included both Cinthya and the dentist being bitten and numerous hits and kicks with 3 people holding him. This time it was John and I. After being up all night in pain and taking pain medication, he slept in John's arms the 1 1/2 hours we waited for the dentist to arrive. Of course, having been toilet trained only a few weeks, this also meant wetting all over John's lap. Well, the 2 of us held his upper body and arms, and lower body and legs, soothing him the whole time, and the dentist and nurse worked on the head and mouth. He shrieked hysterically as the dentist pulled the offending tooth, but the moment it dislodged he looked up at the Dr. and said repeatedly, "gracias, gracias, gracias." A happy boy returned to the children's home, sticking close to John and I.

Spent a wonderful Thursday evening with a man and his daughter we met when out to eat several weeks ago. His daughter is Marisol's age and adopted from Vietnam. Marisol was thrilled to have a girl to play with that she could communicate with. He is a teacher from Arkansas, who has lived here 2 years. While the girls played, Lance introduced us to Guatemalan coffee from a friend's finca (coffee plantation). Not being coffee drinkers we were drinking it to be polite, but low and behold, we loved it!! He sent us home with a bag full and we've been enjoying it. After some play time and coffee drinking Lance took us out for a delicious meal. We reallllly appreciated a full meal! Both girls fell asleep in at the table, and we made plans to join them at their home another night for a home-cooked meal.

Friday we arrived at God Bless the Children to our first female resident, a 12 day old little girl. She reminds me of baby pictures of Marisol. It turned into a very busy day, with 3 babies to hold, feed and put to bed, and the little boy to entertain on a rainy day. There is nothing more difficult than keeping him busy in doors. Limited attention span and down time bringing on separation anxieties keep John hopping. However, after Thursday's excitement he had really attached to John and I and needed a lot of holding and cuddling. Were supposed to receive a 1 1/2 yr. old girl and her 2 1/2 yr. old brother, but that plan didn't happen.

This morning we walked the mile or so to a church that Lance goes to, Iglesia Evangelica Jeriel, Edificada Por Dios, Para Edificar Vidas (translated Evangelical Church of Jeriel, Building for God, to build up lives. We really enjoyed the service, including contemporary Christian songs, a baby blessing, and a wonderful lesson-sermon. Don't agree totally with all of their views, but was impressed with the frankness with which they discussed topics like homosexuality and abortion. Also appreciated the fact that above all they preached love for ALL people above any habits or characteristics we might not agree with. Their whole philosophy is about loving the people FIRST. You know, like Jesus did! Not turning ANYONE away for ANY reason, but accepting everyone for who they are, a child of God. The greatest lesson I learned was, we might not all view issues in the same way, but that does not get in the way of respecting everyone!

The rest of the day, after we made the walk home, has been nothing but rain. Glad to be indoors! Made play dough with Marisol and had a great time. Although, coloring it was unique. Apparently food coloring is rare in Guatemala, so someone at the store suggested a concentrated juice people use for cakes. Worked wonderfully, Marisol had chosen orange and it was a really deep, carrot orange. Mental note: bring food coloring next time.

She took herself to bed before 6:30pm and was out like a light. Well, at least until about 7:30pm when she woke in a panic, walking around the room in circles yelling and walking into the glass wall. She kicked and fought as I picked her up and lay with her till her body relaxed. Tends to be a sleep walker and won't remember a thing in the morning.

Sitting her typing I have been watching a opossum walk along the the glass wall of our home, running his nose across the glass. First one direction, and then the other. Guess we have a new resident...

Oh, and I added a picture of Marisol trying to teach the 2 month old to crawl.

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